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Insights, thoughts & announcements

19 Dec 2024

Customer Survey results 2024

In November we ran our annual customer survey. 118 of our customers filled it in, for which we were very grateful as the more people who fill it in, the more feedback we get on what people like about the Hub and areas they think we can improve! We received some really brilliant feedback! 99% of you said you would recommend the Hub to others, an even higher score than last year. The chart below shows how our customers rated us across a range of areas. We then asked customers what they most like about coming to the Hub and […]

3 Oct 2024

Summer reading challenge at Melbourn Hub library!

Over the summer, Melbourn Hub Library ran a summer art challenge – ‘my favourite story character’. The children were challenged to draw their favourite story character. A further challenge was to draw their character in nature such as the seaside, the woods, the garden or the riverside. They could use felt tips, colouring in pencils, wax crayons, paints or collage to bring colour to their pictures. The librarians were very impressed with the children’s art work and rewards were given to each child for taking part in the challenge. We would like to thank all the children for taking time […]

26 Sep 2024

‘Make a Difference’ award finalists!

Melbourn Hub was thrilled to be nominated for a BBC Radio Cambridgeshire ‘Make a Difference’ award this year! There were eight categories and the Hub was nominated in the ‘community’ category, which is award to “an individual or a group of people who have helped to genuinely change the lives of others within their community”. There were more than 300 nominations for the awards and the Hub was both amazed and proud to find itself in the final four in its group! Representatives from the Hub were invited to the awards event on Friday 6th September and Hinxton Hall along […]

18 Jul 2024

Visits from Melbourn Playgroup

Visits from Melbourn Playgroup The library has been delighted to receive visits each term from the children who attend the playgroup. We were very pleased that the playgroup team came up with the idea, as part of the preparation for the children moving on to school at the start of the academic year 2024. The volunteer staff working in the library thought that it was a great idea, as they are focusing their thoughts and investments on developing the children’s library in an inclusive way while supporting the early reading foundation skills. Each term a group of  children walked from the […]

2 Apr 2024

AGM – Melbourn Hub

We will be holding our AGM on Thursday 25th April 2024, in the Hub’s Austen Room, commencing at 7.30pm. Any resident of Melbourn is welcome to attend the meeting. Regardless of attending in person, all questions to the Board should be submitted in writing to the Hub reception desk or sent by email to before Friday 19th April 2024. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING This is Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Melbourn Community Hub Management Group for financial year 2022 – 2023: To be held on Thursday 25 th April 2024 in the Hub (Austen Room). Commencing at […]

18 Jan 2024

Melbourn Hub turns 10!

The first week of February 2024 marks the 10-year anniversary of the Melbourn Hub. What better opportunity to remind ourselves of the Hub story! An idea is born Melbourn Hub was truly born out of the community it serves. Residents of Melbourn were consulted in 2009/10 in order to develop a Village Plan, canvassing opinion from every house on every street. It was established from this very successful exercise that the community strongly wanted the local library saved from closure (due to loss of the original venue). Alongside the library an almost equally strong desire was expressed for a “Village […]

9 Nov 2023

Customer Survey 2023

At the end of September, we ran a customer survey to gather feedback on what people like about the Hub, what we’re doing well and what people would like to see improved.  100 of you filled out the survey for us and we are really grateful to you for taking the time to do so! It gave us a rich set of feedback and is very valuable in making sure we are providing the best service we can to the people of Melbourn and beyond.  We were particularly proud that 97% of you said you would recommend the Hub to […]

7 Sep 2023

Supporting our young people – the Hub’s offering to children

The young people of Melbourn and its surrounding villages are some of our most important customers! We love to see everyone enjoying all the Hub has to offer and are the proud hosts of a range of one-off events and ongoing services specifically for children and young people.  In May we were delighted to host local folk duo, Megson, who put on a very special concert for our little “music connoisseurs”. Aimed at 0 to 8-year olds, it was a complete sell-out, and everyone enjoyed a very happy hour of dancing and singing!  Then in June, it was the turn of […]

11 May 2023

The King’s Coronation – a fantastic street party at the Hub!

On Sunday 7th May, Melbourn Hub hosted a street party to mark the King’s Coronation. After a few rainy days (or weeks even!) we were a little nervous in the run-up about what the weather might bring, but in fact the sun shone brightly all day! We lined the street with tables, chairs and bunting, lit the BBQs and welcomed hundreds of people over the course of the day.  Particular highlights were the fancy dress kids’ parade, which saw children of ages showing off their take on the theme of ‘royal’, with everybody taking part receiving a prize and an […]

23 Mar 2023

Festival of Stories – a sensory story extravaganza!

On Saturday 11th March the Hub was very proud to host the “Festival of Stories”. This is a fantastic event, run by Talking Together in Cambridgeshire, who aim to increase the awareness, knowledge and understanding of our communities in how to support young children’s communication, language, and literacy development. Marion Leeper, a wonderful storyteller, set up a sensory extravaganza in our Austen Room, with 20 children attending to hear a magical story about bees and how they help us. The children could participate in the story, used instruments to make some wonderful sounds, and even made their own bees out […]

16 Mar 2023

Author evening with Lucy Lewis

On 9th March, the Hub’s library volunteers organised a special ‘Meet the Author’ event. A large audience enjoyed an informal evening listening to Lucy Lewis describe with humour the experiences and challenges she faced during her army career when she became the first female bomb disposal expert. Currently as the first female Marshal of Cambridge University, her role involves a lot of traditional ceremony relating to graduations and also with a team of constables she ensures good order and discipline in the University. At the end of her talk she engaged with the audience answering questions and sold copies of […]

23 Feb 2023

Appreciating our staff and volunteers

Staff and volunteers were thanked for their contribution to The Hub’s success via a belated Christmas party held in February! The original party was planned for December, but the big freeze struck and it unfortunately had to be postponed. A light buffet and drinks were provided, along with plenty of music. Everyone got into the spirit with lots of chat and laughter. People welcomed the chance to get together, especially as many people work on different days to each other and don’t get a chance to meet with the wider team. The opportunity was taken by the Hub management group […]

9 Feb 2023

A new year at the Hub

After a much-needed Christmas break for our wonderful staff and volunteers, we were delighted to open our doors again on 3rd January and welcome back our customers.  January was a very busy month and it has been great to see so many of you using the Hub, whether that be our cafe, meeting rooms, library or attending one of our events. Highlights so far We were particularly thrilled to be able to host our very first NHS ‘Health and Wellbeing day’ in January, where we worked with our NHS colleagues to offer Covid vaccines, childhood immunisation checks and catch-up immunisations […]

25 Nov 2022

Christmas at the Hub

We are well and truly into the swing of Christmas now at Melbourn Hub! Last weekend we hosted our ever popular “Turn on to Christmas” event. During the day Santa paid us a special early visit to meet lots of children in his grotto and find out what they wanted for Christmas this year. He gave out some lovely gifts and all the children seemed very happy with their presents!  Then, as it started to grow dark, we switched into party mode for ‘Turn on to Christmas’, in association with Melbourn Fete. There was a huge tombola for both children […]

30 Oct 2022

Health at The Hub

‘Health at The Hub’ is a ground-breaking initiative, providing local access to a variety of health and wellbeing services at Melbourn Hub. Here are some of the services available to you. Covid Vaccinations Melbourn Hub has played host to a series of walk-in Covid vaccination clinics for the NHS ‘Vaccinators on Tour’. The public response to having local access to Covid vaccines been quite astounding and we are proud to be the most successful venue on the vaccinator’s tour! The next walk-in Covid vaccination clinic for eligible patients, will be on Sunday 11th December between 10am and 3pm.  The team […]

Health at The Hub
21 Jul 2022

What a Summer at Melbourn Hub!

It’s been quite a summer at Melbourn Hub with events such as the big Platinum Jubilee street party and a range of community health and wellbeing services being introduced at our venue.

Art Health at The Hub Jubilee
6 Apr 2022


The Hub AGM will be held on Wednesday 27 April 2022 at 30, High Street, Melbourn SG8 6DZCommencing at 7.30pm. It is helpful to have questions for public discussion made known prior the AGM date to allow time for due consideration. This is also useful if you cannot be present for the AGM. Please email any questions to by Friday 22 April 2022.

5 Mar 2022

What’s on in March?

‘Spring has sprung’ at the Hub in March with a feast of events and activities for the community. The Hub’s community library is holding children’s books sales on Saturdays the 5th and 12th March between 10 am and 2 pm. Come and browse through the selection, grab a bargain book and something from our delicious café menu which includes children’s food and drinks and our special Hubby Bear bags. Festival of Stories 12 March On 12th March, ‘Festival of Stories’ comes to Melbourn, as part of a series of events across  Cambridgeshire. The events are organised by ‘Talking Together’ in Cambridgeshire –which is focused on language and […]

30 Jan 2022

A new look Hub!

It’s been a strange and turbulent time for small businesses, and the Hub has had some ups and downs like most hospitality venues over the last two years. However, we are delighted to be fully open for business once again with a new-look building, new people and much improved meeting spaces. The Covid crisis highlighted the importance of the Hub, especially our ability to support the entire community with practical help. The Hub building, its staff and volunteers stepped up to the plate in a time of crisis. For those of you that do not know, this included a food […]

6 May 2021

A new era dawning for The Hub

The Hub team are getting ready for some really exciting improvements over the coming months. Our loyal customers that have been so supportive since the inception of the Hub seven years ago, will return to find a bigger, better and more modern venue, with newly refreshed and enlarged meeting rooms, a first-floor disabled access toilet, improved interior decor, and added menu choices to tempt the taste buds when the building reopens in a few weeks’ time. You may well see works going on now if you are out and about in the village. We will open as soon as we […]

5 Apr 2021

Hub Annual General Meeting 2021

The Melbourn Community Hub Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place virtually using Zoom video conferencing on April 28th 2021. The meeting will commence at 7.30 pm. If members of the public wish to attend they are welcome, but pre-registration is necessary. If you wish to attend, please send your name and email address, along with any question you may wish to ask to with ‘AGM’ in the subject line.  We will contact you prior to the meeting with the link to join, along with joining instructions, no later than 24 hours before the meeting takes place. If you do not […]

6 Mar 2021

Hub update

Whilst Covid has brought many challenges for the Hub we have managed to be resilient as a business, keeping ourselves and our staff and volunteers safe during the various open and closed periods we have had to endure over the last year. We are sincerely grateful to our staff and volunteers who have continued supporting us and being flexible throughout a challenging time, now we find ourselves a full year from when it all started. However, we’ve some news that we wanted to share with you. What is happening? While we have been all suffering with Covid restrictions, we have […]

9 Dec 2020

Oh yes, we are back again!

We are excited to have reopened our doors last week to a steady stream of delighted and relieved customers. During the last month that we had been in lockdown at the Hub, the management was busy behind the scenes putting plans in place to welcome our customers back with an even more satisfying venue. Judging by the many appreciative comments we’ve had we certainly appear to have succeeded! A new piece of innovative technology in the form of one of the latest EPOS (electronic point of sale) machines greets our customers now. This has been installed to help in managing […]

21 Jul 2020

Welcome back!

We are looking forward to welcoming you on Monday 27th July. We wanted to reassure you by telling you in advance what you can expect when you arrive. We have a fabulous building and we have been able to do, what we think is, a really good job in making a safe, clean and friendly environment for everyone. We recognise that some people may be little apprehensive, coming out for the first time since lockdown, or may have been previously shielding. The team has gone the extra mile to offer you the best possible environment and to make you feel […]

23 Apr 2020

Hub AGM May 2020

The Hub AGM will be a virtual meeting held on 19th May 2020. Due to the Covid-19 health restraints around social distancing, it will not be possible to hold the Hub AGM in the normal way this year. We intend to carry out the essential business of the AGM ‘virtually’, by using videoconferencing on the 19th May 2020. This will mean the public meeting cannot happen and the normal voting process and opportunity to ask questions will clearly not happen either. We have concluded that it is not practical for the public to join this virtual meeting. However, we have […]

18 Mar 2020

Coronavirus update

Latest Information for customers regarding The Hub and Coronavirus Covid-19. Updated @ 24/03 11am Unfortunately, following further social-distancing advice from the government on 23/03 we have taken the tough decision to close the Hub kitchen completely from 24/03 until further notice.  The wellbeing of our staff comes first and this closure has now become unavoidable.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you all for your support including our amazing and dedicated staff without whom, we would not have been able to get this far. We are continuing to provide a call centre/central point for volunteers […]

3 Feb 2020

Happy birthday to us!

Congratulations to the Melbourn Hub, which opened at the beginning of February 2014, now marking its sixth birthday! The last six years have seen the Hub become a crucial and much-loved centre of village life, not just for residents of Melbourn but also many others from nearby communities. So we thought we would have a little look and all the benefits the Hub brings to Melbourn and how lucky we are to have it. The original vision of the Melbourn Hub was to provide a rich mix of services and opportunities not just for residents, but also for local organisations, […]

9 Dec 2019

Annual TOTC Event a success!

The annual ‘Turn On To Christmas’ event at the Melbourn Community Hub last Saturday was acclaimed the most successful of its kind so far. The illuminating occasion, a seasonal spread of entertainment and happiness, organised jointly between the Hub team and the village Fete Committee, exceeded all expectations, combining local crafters with activity tables, and a children’s storytime. Carols from Melbourn Brownies, the ‘Social Vocals Choir’, together with Melbourn singers, Tom and Amelia Froggatt, all contributed to the Festive atmosphere. The venue was packed to capacity with both young and old alike, enjoying the music, mince pies, and mulled wine. Santa’s […]

15 Jun 2019

Community Showcase returns!

Saturday 13th July FREE EVENT: Crafts, activities with live music (to 4pm) Café with barista coffee & cakes (to 6pm) BBQ & Licensed Bar midday until late! ‘Women-sing’ Choir at 5pm. Support Local Groups, Charities & Talent! Live music in the evening from local talent ‘Tom Sings Swing’

21 May 2019

Musical May!

On Saturday 4th May, The Hub welcomed Keith James performing the ‘Songs of Leonard Cohen’ as part of his UK tour. With brilliant acoustic guitar playing and a haunting voice, Keith managed to both move the audience with some of Cohen’s most emotional work and inspire them sing-along to the chorus of other popular numbers. Much of the audience were on their feet at the end of the concert to applaud the performance. Keith himself was moved by the reception he received in the atmospheric Atrium and we are thrilled that he will be returning to the Hub on Saturday 28th September […]

23 Apr 2019

Hub Annual General Meeting

The Hub Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday April 24th 2019, at 7.30pm in the Hub. We had a good attendance once again and were able to share a very positive review of the year. Attached for your information are the formal notices detailing the Agenda and Voting Arrangements that were discussed. AGM Agenda Notice of AGM (Official notice and voting arrangements) AGM Document – a year in review.

21 Mar 2019

Mindful March

Mindful March at the Hub Melbourn Hub dedicated the month of March to raising awareness of the support and help available for conditions affecting the brain and the mind. On 7th March the Hub hosted a ‘Dementia Friends’ evening which was a collaboration between The Hub and Melbourn villager Davina Biswell who has been personally affected by Alzheimer’s (a form of dementia) within her family.  As a result of her experience, Davina along with her friend Steph Trayhurn, has become a supporter of Dementia Friends – an Alzheimer’s Society initiative – and was keen to bring this to Melbourn Hub.  Claire […]

26 Sep 2018

Quiz Night

Melbourn Community Hub was the scene of an exhilarating evening recently, when its organisers teamed up with M.A.D.S. (Melbourn Amateur Dramatics Society) to present a gripping Quiz Evening, raising funds to enable the Hub to deliver more community services, activities and events whilst helping to assist the latter organisation with their future productions. The popular meeting place was a buzzing with tables full of eager quizzers, all keen to claim the top spot to win a hamper of treats,just one of numerous prizes donated by local businesses, and organisations. Quizmaster, Paul Sleight, devised the evening and the teams were able […]

26 Aug 2018

Community fundraiser – Giving Lysa precious time

The Hub recently played host to a community fundraising event for a local member of the community, Lysa Kemp.  Read more in The Listing about how the event held at The Hub raised money for this local cause and family.

9 Feb 2018

Afternoon tea anyone?

Saturday afternoon tea offering a tempting array of Home produced savoury and sweet treats. Served on cake stands and pretty traditional china, the scene was set for a quintessential afternoon! Guests praised the friendly and relaxed atmosphere and how it “made a lovely afternoon experience “. Of the food comments were made such as “it was all so tempting” and “loved it”. The mix of china was appreciated by guests who thought it colourful and added to their experience. —– Afternoon teas available from 2pm to 4pm every Saturday via booking only. Sandwiches, sweetand savoury treats, jam scnoe and cream […]

11 Jan 2018

Time to volunteer at the Hub?

Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Hub.  We are always looking for volunteers for general cafe duties. Read on to find out more about volunteering and how it can be beneficial to you too! Have you ever volunteered? Thinking of giving it a go? Then read on! With the busy lives we lead just the thought of volunteering might seem overwhelming, but in reality it can be very beneficial. It’s easy to think about the positive impact that volunteers have on others, but we don’t often consider how rewarding it can be for the volunteer. Volunteers are the lifeblood of […]

17 Sep 2017

The all-new Hub Gallery!

We are delighted to be able to host a variety of local, professional artists throughout the year in the Hub Gallery. Please come and support the local artists and maybe even purchase a painting?  a percentage of the sales will go towards the ongoing running of the Hub. Previous displaying artists include: Christina Pattison Cheryl Moore Val Pettifer & George Meliniotis David L Hone

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