Melbourn Community Hub
30 High Street, Melbourn
Hertfordshire, SG8 6DZ
Company number: 8320569
Registered Charity number: 1152407
VAT number: 2761365
We have plenty of free parking across the road in the Village Car Park
Phone / Email
Citizens Advice
01462 688008 – Quote “via Melbourn Hub”
Opening Hours
The Hub is open 9am-5pm from Monday to Friday. The cafe serves food until 2.30pm and drinks until 4pm. Please see below for opening times for the library.
The Cafe
Mon to Fri …………… from 9am (last orders 4pm)
Saturday ………..…… from 9am (last orders 4pm)
The Library
Mon to Fri …..………. 2 pm – 4 pm
Saturday ……..……… 10 am – 2 pm