We are looking forward to welcoming you on Monday 27th July. We wanted to reassure you by telling you in advance what you can expect when you arrive. We have a fabulous building and we have been able to do, what we think is, a really good job in making a safe, clean and friendly environment for everyone.
We recognise that some people may be little apprehensive, coming out for the first time since lockdown, or may have been previously shielding. The team has gone the extra mile to offer you the best possible environment and to make you feel safe and welcome when you visit us. However, if you have any questions or concerns at all, please call us on 01763 263303 Option 1.
When you arrive
There is currently no need to book. All entry to the Hub is via the main front door please and we will have someone to greet you and you will also be directed to a table – you can also ask our helpers any questions you may have whilst you are waiting. There are distancing measures in place for queuing as well. These are marked on the floor. Face masks are not currently compulsory in cafes but you are encouraged to wear one if you are moving around the building if you can.
We will note down and store the name and contact number of one of your party in line with current government guidance. Someone will then show you to your table. When you leave you will be directed to the patio doors and guided out through the one-way system.
Disabled parking bays are still available to the rear. However, all access into the café will be required via front door unless disabled access via the rear door is pre-arranged (by either phoning the Hub on 01763 263303 Option 2 or a companion can book you in at the front door and asks one of our Hub helpers to give special access to the mobility impaired person waiting in the car. They can also facilitate the temp check.
Ordering your items
It’s table service only and our servers will come back and take your order when you are ready and bring you everything you need for your visit. They will also clear away and wipe down the tables for the next customer to use. We are also using disposable menus which will also be used as your place setting. If possible, we would prefer you to use contactless payments.
We have a safe 2m distancing rule in place between tables and throughout the cafe area and there is additional outdoor seating available to help with this.
Our staff will all be wearing PPE for customer protection and there will be hand sanitisers available for customers to use upon entering and exiting the Hub. The toilets along with handwashing facilities will also be open.
Our menu is also available on the website for you to look at beforehand [insert link once live]
A takeaway menu will be available. To avoid excessive queuing we ask that you phone ahead of visiting on 01763 263303 option 2. for the kitchen. A takeaway menu is available to download from our website here: [insert link once live] We encourage you to pre-pay for your items over the phone when you order, please.
Facilities and Services available
Currently, just the Cafe and toilets are open.
We are not able to take room bookings, but please contact us and we will be able to help you further 01763 263303. Option 1.
What we ask of you
Please come and visit us, we are looking forward to seeing you! But also maintain your distance especially remembering that there may be people more vulnerable than you using the Hub.
Thank you.
The Hub Management Team and Staff
Updated 26/07/20