On Sunday 7th May, Melbourn Hub hosted a street party to mark the King’s Coronation. After a few rainy days (or weeks even!) we were a little nervous in the run-up about what the weather might bring, but in fact the sun shone brightly all day! We lined the street with tables, chairs and bunting, lit the BBQs and welcomed hundreds of people over the course of the day.

Particular highlights were the fancy dress kids’ parade, which saw children of ages showing off their take on the theme of ‘royal’, with everybody taking part receiving a prize and an extra one for the two most amazing costumes – a royal astronaut, and “King Charles with a corgi”!

Later, we had a number of fantastic artists sing for us – Joseph Littlewood, Maddy de Brugha and Cherise & family, bringing a real party atmosphere to proceedings. They even got some of the Hub’s staff and volunteers up as backing singers/dancers!

We then held a “Family Fun Team Game”, where teams of four – parents and children, or groups of friend – raced our specially set-up obstacle course, wearing – what else – an inflatable crown. Much hilarity, and some very impressive athleticism ensued, as we whittled down the contestants to a hotly contested grand finale. And – last but not least – we announced the winners of our raffle, which included some really fantastic prizes thanks to the generosity of local businesses.

There are simply too many people to thank in full here for helping, but the Hub wants to say a huge thank you to all those staff and volunteers who helped make this such a very special event. And – even more importantly – to all those who came along to celebrate and make it such a warm, friendly and fun day.